Group collaboration
Project Management
What are we doing
who is doing what
When is what we are doing supposed to be finished
Why is what we are doing relevant to users
Apply small team projects agile processes are best:
Break user stories into small tasks
Design, implement, test, deliver during a sprint
In development
Ready for evaluation
Catch up important information instead of huge document at the end.
Weekly status and planning meetings (customer should come)
- walk through each user story
- Discuss last week progress, difficulties, plans for the next week
- Check off completed tasks
- Capture conclusions
Source Code Management
version control (look at the change to find the new bug)
multiple source code repositories
code merge between branches
Building test and
reproducible builds, same library and confiture (operating system, libraries, drivers).
continuous integration (CI) and continuous deployment (CD)
commonly used today: containers (is a way to isolate thing, isolate operating system, or isolate environment. eg, Docker), script to deploy environment automatically
automated tests, unit tests, integration tests (auto), system tests (auto)
Last updated
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