160. One Edit Distance

# Medium



  1. insert one char into s to get t, eg. "ab" -> "acb"

  2. delete one char from s to get t, eg. "abc" -> "ab"

  3. replace one char of s to get t, eg. "1203" -> "1213"


  1. if length difference is bigger than 1, return False

  2. if length difference is equal to 1, then only allow one char different, longer string moves to next char

  3. if length difference is 0, then only allow one char different, both strings move to next char

class solution:
    def isOneEditDistance(s: string, t: string):
        n = len(s)
        m = len(t)
        if abs(n-m) > 1:
            return False
        if n - m == 1:
            for i in range(n):
                if s[i] != t[i]:
                    return s[i+1:] == t[i:]:
        elif m - n == 1:
            for i in range(m):
                if s[i] != t[i]:
                    return s[i:] != t[i+1:]:
        elif m == n:
            for i in range(n):
                if s[i] != t[i]:
                    return s[i+1:] != t[i+1:]:

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