82. Remove Duplicates from Sorted List II

# medium

Key idea: skip all same elements until different one then move forward


Solution 1(complicated version):

  1. head points current node, once head.val == head.next.val, it deletes all duplicates except itself.

  2. pre records pre-node of head and helps delete the first duplicates.

  3. if not encounter duplicates, both of pre and head move one step.

Dummy note and pre-node are necessary. flag is needed to judge head is the last duplicate or nor. When last node is duplicate node, don't forget to let pre.next = null because pre represents the whole new list.

Solution 2(easy version):

  1. head represents new list.

  2. record duplicates value and delete all duplicates until head.next.val != head.next.next.val.

  3. otherwise head move one step.

Don't move head until ensure the next element is not duplicated.

If deleting all duplicates required, we can record the value and delete them in on time; If deleting all duplicates except itself required, we can keep first one and delete others.


class Solution {
    public ListNode deleteDuplicates(ListNode head) {
        ListNode dump = new ListNode();
        dump.next = head;
        ListNode pre = dump;
        ListNode curr = head;
        boolean isDuplicate = false;
        while(curr != null && curr.next != null) {
            ListNode currNext = curr.next;
            if(curr.val == currNext.val)
                isDuplicate = true;
            else {
                if(isDuplicate == false) {
                    pre.next = curr;
                    pre = curr;
                } else {
                    isDuplicate = false;
            curr = curr.next;
        // deal with the last node
            pre.next = null;
            pre.next = curr;
        return dump.next;

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